[jdev] State of the XMPP Clients?

Daniel Dormont dan at greywallsoftware.com
Tue Oct 4 15:58:35 UTC 2011

This is perhaps a small data point, but I notice that JsJAC, the Javascript
XMPP client library, still relies on XEP-0091 as of version 1.3.4 and
doesn't yet support XEP-0203.


On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 4:04 PM, Andreas Monitzer <jdev at monitzer.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently developing a new XMPP client, and I'm considering which XEPs
> to implement. There are a lot of XEPs that were superseded by incompatible
> new versions, and whether I have to implement the older ones depends on what
> the clients already on the market use. Can someone here give me some
> pointers for that?
> Here are the ones I've already run into:
> User Avatars:
> XEP-0153 vs XEP-0084
> Delayed Delivery:
> XEP-0091 vs XEP-0203
> File Transfer:
> XEP-0096 vs XEP-0234
> Entity Capabilities:
> XEP-0115 v1.3 vs XEP-0115 v1.5
> XEP-0154: User Profile has been deferred, so I guess at least that one
> definitely goes to XEP-0054.
> Further, what's the state of end-to-end encryption? There's no XEP for
> that, except for the historical XEP-0027. Adium and Pidgin implement OTR,
> but that library has a (for my use) bad license attached to it, and it
> doesn't really integrate into XMPP all that well (it takes over the <body>
> tag of the message, instead of defining its own).
> Regards,
> Andreas Monitzer
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