[jdev] Google Summer of Code 2011 - Project Ideas deadline

bear bear42 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 9 08:48:29 CST 2011

Our GSoC Organization Application deadline is this coming Friday,
March 11th and one of the things that will hugely influence our
chances of being selected is to have a very "healthy" project ideas

This means Kev and myself (and the XSF!) need your help - please
review the current page


and add any idea you think a student would be interested in doing.
Extra karma points if you are also willing to help Mentor the project

much thanks and with everyone's help we will ensure that GSoC 2011 is
as successful as the previous ones have been!


bear at xmpp.org (email)
bear42 at gmail.com (xmpp, email)
bear at code-bear.com (xmpp, email)
http://code-bear.com/bearlog (weblog)

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