[jdev] GSoC2011 project idea

Kevin Smith kevin at kismith.co.uk
Wed Mar 9 04:18:05 CST 2011

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:32 PM, karel pavlata <k.pavlata at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a student working on 'smart' gateway for wireless sensor networks
> (WSN) with an idea of XMPP as a messaging/event distribution system.
> It would be probably build around XEP-0060: Publish-Subscribe and/or
> XEP-0163: Personal Eventing Protocol with clients registering on
> particular events (e.g. motion detection, new temperature measurement,
> etc.) which would be gathered in a tree of collection and leaf nodes.
> Multiple resources (gateways) of single user (representing particular
> WSN) would coexist and publish events and in this way client would
> receive events from whole network independently of which gateway
> generated it. If You have any comments regarding feasibility or like
> the idea and would like to suggest it for GSoC and pose as a mentor
> please let me know. If the idea is viable it could be another nice
> usage of XMPP and possible candidate for XEP(?). It would be mainly
> machine-to-machine communication with gateways being resource
> constrained embedded devices.

This sounds like a fun application of XMPP, and you're welcome to
apply with it - I would warn, though, that in recent times the XSF has
preferred students to be contributing to existing XMPP projects,
rather than starting new ones within GSoC.


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