[jdev] My proposal: Jingle File Transfer and XTLS support for gajim

Kevin Smith kevin at kismith.co.uk
Thu Apr 1 10:34:04 CDT 2010

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Zhenchao Li <cockneykevin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I've just submitted my proposal: Jingle File Transfer and XTLS support
> for gajim. Would anyone please review it? I'd like to hear your comments on
> it. And I will explain anything that I did not state clearly in my proposal.
> I hope you can help me make it a solid proposal. Thanks!

Hi, I've read your proposal, and I think you've covered a lot of the
important bases (this is a good application). I have two comments at
the moment.

"There is one more week till the 'strict pencil down' data, hopefully
I won't need that."
Whenever a plan involves 'hopefully', you're dooming it :)
(By which I mean: I think the plan needs more consideration for contingency.)

Also: I'd like to hear a little about you academically in the application.


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