[jdev] extending XMPP with custom XML data

Jonathan Schleifer js-jdev at webkeks.org
Wed Mar 25 13:24:20 CDT 2009

Am 25.03.2009 um 19:14 schrieb Will Gardner:

> Although xml "storage" gives me the impression that it just storing  
> -- but I think it means sending and receiving as well.

No, it doesn't. It's just to store arbitrary XML data on the server  
and receive it later.

What you want it just XMPP core, which allows you to add your own  
namespace and put in there whatever you like.

<message to='foo' type='chat'>
<body>My text</body>
<somenonstandardfoo xmlns='https://nonstandard.org/foo'>

You should really read XMPP core before writing an XMPP app, as this  
is very basic stuff, used by many of the XMPP Extensions (XEPs) ;).


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