[jdev] a vision

Jonathan Schleifer js-jdev at webkeks.org
Thu Mar 12 11:35:56 CDT 2009

Am 12.03.2009 um 17:30 schrieb Dave Cridland:

> On Thu Mar 12 16:09:41 2009, Jonathan Schleifer wrote:
>>> No matter what happens, someone's feelings will be hurt. We can't  
>>> list
>>> every client under the sun -- it's too confusing.
>> Of course, but having one client which we call the official client   
>> will be contraproductive for every other client.
> This is no different to jabber.org picking a single server, though.

It's not. An open source client can be developed by everybody.  
Everybody can participate, write patches, etc. If it's the official  
client, everybody will focus on that.

jabber.org is just a server. It's run by the XSF. Not everybody can  
administrate it and thus abandon other servers. Sure, one could  
develop for ejabberd and hope jabber.org will be updated to the latest  
rev. But it's still different, as ejabberd isn't the official server  

PS: Please don't CC me, I'm on the list - I have to be on the list,  
otherwise I can't write.


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