[jdev] a vision

Geof geof.lambert at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 18:28:34 CDT 2009

Awesome....looks like a great vision to me!

Hope it becomes a reality.

Geof  Lambert | 916.225.6769

Chat: Google Talk: geof.lambert Skype: geof.lambert MSN:
geof.lambert at gmail.com
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On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:24 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at stpeter.im>wrote:

> As posted at my blog....
> ***
> I have this vision for jabber.org services:
>   1. A clean and simple website with minimal text that will help end
> users get started with Jabber.
>   2. Web chat for a real-time window into one end-user chatroom and one
> developer chatroom (and perhaps one additional room, such as a
> language-specific or country-specific room).
>   3. Internationalized versions of everything so that volunteers around
> the world can run sites like de.jabber.org (Germany) and pt.jabber.org
> (Portugal).
>   4. Extension of this international model to XMPP services, so that we
> can run SOCKS5 data proxies for file transfer and TURN media relays for
> voice+video all over the world (we'll need to convince companies and
> ISPs and non-profit organizations that this is in their interest, since
> they are the people with the bandwidth).
> For me the idea here is that jabber.org will be the community-driven
> "running code" laboratory for the formal "rough consensus" technologies
> produced by the XMPP Standards Foundation. The goal is to build an open
> and distributed IM, presence, data, and VoIP service that can provide a
> realistic alternative to closed systems like Skype.
> None of this would be exclusive. We'd still strongly encourage people to
> run their own XMPP services and join the network. But we'd also work
> hard to have worldwide coverage under the jabber.org banner.
> Call this "Jabber 2.0" if you must. In any case, I think it's time for a
> strong community centered at jabber.org to provide technology leadership
> in the communication space and thus help us all achieve the original
> mission that Jeremie Miller set out long ago: freedom of conversation.
> ***
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