[jdev] Monthly XMPP Meeting

Norman Rasmussen norman at rasmussen.co.za
Tue Mar 10 05:58:20 CDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Brett Zamir <brettz9 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Well, yes, but there are issues such as these in the specs:
> 1) RFC3920bis-09: "for historical reasons MAY accept only the 'stream:'
> prefix"
> 2) RFC3921bis-08: "The <show/> element MUST NOT possess any attributes."
> (also with <status/>, <priority/>, <body/>, <subject/>)
> The latter could be made to state "MUST NOT possess any non-namespaced
> attributes".

1) I think that refers to the fact that you can call the namespace
alias whatever you want as long at it resolves to '
http://etherx.jabber.org/streams'.  For compatability reasons (and people
who don't understand how xml namespaces aliases work), it's preferred to use
'stream' as the namespace alias.

2) but that doesn't stop you putting attributes, (even with their own
namespace), on sub-elements of body, or on your own namespaces elements.

neither of these points promote / prevent creating your own namespace
bindings for use on elements and their attributes.

In theory xml:lang SHOULD be supported, so it's not really a question.
> xml:lang can be supported without namespace awareness--the original XML
> spec (before XML Namespaces) allows, without reservation, the colon in an
> XML Name (as in an attribute), but according to the above issues, an
> implementation could theoretically (if not actually) use a parser which
> rejects any attributes on such elements.

true, and it's a namespace declaration, and not a attribute with namespace.

- Norman Rasmussen
- Email: norman at rasmussen.co.za
- Home page: http://norman.rasmussen.co.za/
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