[jdev] JID -> OpenID mapping?

Tomasz Sterna tomek at xiaoka.com
Wed Oct 15 08:10:26 CDT 2008

Dnia 2008-10-15, śro o godzinie 13:09 +0000, Chris Warburton pisze:
> I would look at what services like those do as a starting point for a
> JID-to-
> OpenID mapping layer, and make sure that the XMPP stays hidden from
> those 
> requesting OpenID verification.

I am looking for a way of associating my current OpenID to my JID.
I already have an OpenID provider and I want to associate it with my
JID. I am OK with giving 'http://smoku.openid.pl/' everywhere I'm asked
for OpenID, but this is not very newcomer friendly, thus using JIDs in
familiar form user at example.com is more natural.

The problem is how to enable stateless HTTP server a way of getting what
OpenID URL stays behind the user at example.com JID.

The first method coming to mind is some XEP, that a service could ask my
XMPP server what is my OpenID (probably a PEP node).
But this way makes it hard - it needs putting the XMPP protocol handling
into the OpenID requestor.

Thus I am looking for a way to map jid at example.com to
http://open.id/someone without the XMPP protocol involvement.

  /\_./o__ Tomasz Sterna
 (/^/(_^^' http://www.xiaoka.com/
._.(_.)_   im:smoku at xiaoka.com

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