[jdev] JID -> OpenID mapping?

Chris Warburton chriswarbo at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 15 08:09:11 CDT 2008

On Wednesday 15 October 2008 10:59:41 Tomasz Sterna wrote:
> I was wondering, whether anyone thought about an easy way of assigning
> an OpenID to a JID.
> It would be nice to be able to discover someone's OpenID based on ones
> JID (and get all neat features associated to OpenID from there).
> The preferable way would be without using XMPP queries. OpenID is HTTP
> based, and requiring OpenID supporters to add another protocol support
> could pretty much sink the idea.

There are a few JID->OpenID services around (although they tend to be 
experimental, and thus not too reliable) for example 
http://openid.xmpp.za.net/ and http://xmppid.net/ . These are regular OpenID 
providers which use XMPP for out-of-band authentication, so it's a little like 
a gateway (XMPP <-> MSN for example) in that the XMPP part is hidden from the 
OpenID requesting entity.

I would look at what services like those do as a starting point for a JID-to-
OpenID mapping layer, and make sure that the XMPP stays hidden from those 
requesting OpenID verification.


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