[jdev] Presence hiccups

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Thu Oct 2 23:09:37 CDT 2008

On Thursday 02 October 2008 16:16:27 Adam Pisoni wrote:
> As far as probing goes, I guess you could probe if you haven't seen
> activity in a while, though I wonder whether that wouldn't be frowned
> upon by other services.  I'm not sure if its seen as outside the spec
> if you will.     We're talking about a potentially VERY large number
> of JIDs so it seems eventually you'd be constantly probing, which
> other servers might not like.

Generally speaking, s2s presence loss is uncommon.  Unfortunately, when it 
happens the problems are severe (e.g. ghost user in MUC for all eternity).  
Periodically reacquainting yourself with remote servers is really the only 

Now, it could be the problem is that the other server is reporting the wrong 
presence to you.  Maybe s2s is fine and it's just that the remote server 
doesn't know what it is talking about when it comes to the state of its own 
connected clients.  This is a widespread problem with c2s connections, 
usually among wi-fi or mobile users.

Anyway, the c2s case is not your problem.  The s2s case you just do the best 
you can.


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