[jdev] XEP174 with DHT? (serverless jabber)

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at stpeter.im
Tue Oct 23 12:22:27 CDT 2007

Michael Schmidt wrote:
> how to implement Xep 174
> in internet (not on lan)

Well you wouldn't use XEP-0174, since it uses zero-configuration
networking and that doesn't scale to the Internet.

Basically you'd use some kind of distributed hash table for presence and
then open XML streams with contacts as needed for communication.

Whether anyone here wants to work on that is another question. If people
are interested, they could contact you offlist to brainstorm an approach
and then come back with a recommendation.

> which client has XEp 174 for lan
> impelemented?

Good question. iChat, Adium, and Pidgin for sure. I think there is code
for it somewhere in Psi but not in a released version. Developers on
other projects can chime in if they support it or are working on it.


Peter Saint-Andre

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