[jdev] JSJaC review

Stefan Strigler steve at zeank.in-berlin.de
Tue Jun 19 08:35:21 CDT 2007

Hello Simon,

of course I'd be happy to add support for SASL EXTERNAL. Would you mind
sharing your patches with us? If you like please create a new ticket at 
and submit your patch.
In any case this sounds like a very interesting improvement to JSJaC.
Thanks a lot for this input,

Cheers, Steve

Am Dienstag, den 19.06.2007, 14:00 +0100 schrieb Simon Wilkinson:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'd like to see support for SASL EXTERNAL.
> This is a fairly trivial change to JSJaC, but it allows some pretty  
> cool things to be done in the HTTP Binding proxy. Basically, you can  
> use authentication tokens exchanged at the HTTP layer during the  
> XmlHttpRequest to authenticate the backend connection to the Jabber  
> server. This lets a Jabber webclient join in an organisation's SSO  
> system, in the same way as any other web site.
> I have patches to add this - as I said they're trivial, and won't  
> affect clients where the server/proxy doesn't add EXTERNAL to the  
> list of supported SASL mechanisms.
> Cheers,
> Simon.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
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