[jdev] examples of apps that use XMPP internally?

Fabio Forno fabio.forno at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 11:52:52 CST 2007

On Dec 18, 2007 5:51 PM, Cashman Andrus <cashman at candyspark.com> wrote:
> I noticed particularly this quote at the end of the linked blog post, which
> puts into words something that I've been pondering as I start to learn about
> this stuff:
> "Using XMPP today for this kind of work, is about at about the same level of
> awareness as using HTTP for system integration was 8 years ago. XMPP might
> become a de-facto enterprise integration technology in or around the end of this
> decade, just like HTTP did at the beginning of the decade. Even as far as
> syndication technology will take you (and that's probably further than many
> people expected), the Web is not ideal as an event backbone. Whereas with XMPP
> and HTTP used side by side, most if not all of the interchange and integration
> use cases are covered off. And Atom is the interchange format that will let you
> carry data across both networks."
> To those of you who've been doing this for a while: do you agree?

We more do more than agreeing, we (see sign, sorry for the indirect
spam) and other companies bet on this vision ;) If you search in the
archives of this mailing list you may find several examples of people
controlling remote devices using XMPP:

XMPP is a (near) real time messaging technology able of delivering
data to any node in the Internet and to mobile devices, solving most
of issues usually involved in what is normally called ubiquitous
computing. With XMPP you have:
 - a portable identity that can be associated to people, software
agents or devices;
 - a reliable message transport capable of real push behind NAT or to
mobile devices having roaming addresses;
 - presence, which means more than "hey, I want to chat", presence is
an efficient way of distributing the whole status of a node to a set
of interested an authorized nodes (available resources, online status,
location and so on)
 - advanced machine 2 machine communication (XMPP is the only
transport able of naturally implementing all the SOAP message
 - scalable one to many and many to many communications, using publish subscribe
 - a protocol that is sufficiently simple at the client side, thus
allowing implementation in very simple devices
 - the XMPP identity can be used as a sort of single sign on and, if
you trust the server handling your accounts, any service can securely
verify authorizations just checking the "from" attribute of messages
 - and, finally, an incredible list of standardized enhancements
implemented in many servers and client libraries, thus meaning fast
deployment of new services

All these things (and others I surely forgot) make XMPP on of the best
choices for asychronus messaging in distributed architectures,
especially when thousands and more of simultaneous online clients are

Fabio Forno, PhD
Bluendo srl
xmpp:ff at jabber.bluendo.com

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