[jdev] machine-readable server & transport list

Jonathan Chayce Dickinson chayce.za at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 05:55:57 CDT 2007

I think you have hit on another problem as well. How do we describe a
Jabber Server? There is no standard mark-up language for it. XMPP
probably wouldn't embed (or at least, I hope not) homegrown XML
standards into a public RSS feed. Somebody needs to approach the Jabber
Council to get a Jabber Server Markup Language into the works.

For the time-being, it looks like you're going to have to stick to
screen scraping HTML, or:

All known 'registerable' servers: http://www.jabber.org/servers.xml

I am going to go out on a limb here, but I think you should be able to
query an official Jabber server somewhere for the features of each
server, because it looks like that list of jabber servers is
auto-generated. Any other ideas?

On Thu, 2007-08-09 at 20:14 +0200, hyperstruct - jdev wrote:
> Hello,
> are there lists of XMPP servers and transports in a machine-readable
> form?  https://www.xmpp.net/servers/feed/rss would be fine, except
> that only lists latest entries and retrieving transports requires
> scraping the <description> field.
> Massimiliano

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