[jdev] machine-readable server & transport list

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Thu Aug 9 14:47:41 CDT 2007

hyperstruct - jdev wrote:
> Hello,
> are there lists of XMPP servers and transports in a machine-readable
> form?  https://www.xmpp.net/servers/feed/rss would be fine, except
> that only lists latest entries and retrieving transports requires
> scraping the <description> field.

We have this:


That does not include lists of transports etc. We may deploy a more
full-featured feed/list when we relaunch the jabber.org website. Feel
free to help out with that effort. I'll post a story about it at
www.jabber.org so people know how they can participate.


Peter Saint-Andre

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