[jdev] jabber.org software listings

Hal Rottenberg halr9000 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 21 15:22:13 CST 2006

On 11/21/06, Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at jabber.org> wrote:
> I'm thinking we might want to move the software listings to Wikipedia.

I'm not opposed, but I think we should stick a "you are leaving
jabber.org" transitional page in between.  Let's not do a blind
rewrite of the URL.  This gives us the opportunity to preface sane
warnings about it being a wiki.  I really don't mind that there is a
pretty comprehensive wiki page about Psi on on there (that I actually
review from time to time), but at the same time I don't have ultimate
control over it.  Who knows what the future may hold.

Psi webmaster (http://psi-im.org)
im:hal at jabber.rocks.cc

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