[jdev] RE: jdev Digest, Vol 26, Issue 49

Jean-Louis Seguineau jean-louis.seguineau at laposte.net
Tue Mar 28 04:47:37 CST 2006

Returning an error to the new resource connection gives feed back to the
client. If the client does not allow the resource to be changed (as maybe
implemented by some ISP) this is equivalent to not allowing multiple
resources. Then the old resource is disconnected and replaced by the new

Stating that "the whole point of the resource identifier was to be able to
signify the location of the resource (home, work, mobile) rather than be a
random bunch of characters." is a somewhat restrictive interpretation. It
may be valid to a certain extend for an IM application. It is certainly not
the only possibility (see Google). In a non IM application, it may follow an
entirely different logic. Furthermore, assuming the resource can be globally
associated with a specific logic would in my opinion limit your application.
As a common rule, incompatibility between addressing schemes are often
linked to address holding logic outside the routing space... 

My 2cts


-----Original Message-----

Message: 9
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 14:17:22 +0530
From: "Vinod Panicker" <vinod.p at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [jdev] Re: Question about resource binding to server
To: "Jabber software development list" <jdev at jabber.org>
	<a8f18ca30603280047i78bb6763t89f62b730a8ae6b3 at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

On 3/28/06, Remko Troncon <remko at el-tramo.be> wrote:
> > I myself prefer that the server return a <conflict/> to the OLD
> > connection and not the new one.
> I always hated that behaviour. If i 'accidentally' connect with the wrong
> resource, my resource on the other end of the building/city/world dies,
> and there's no way to bring it back up. I would much rather try again
> on the current resource.
> Anyway, these resource conflicts shouldn't happen in an ideal world:
> a typical user should not need to bother with entering the resource, the
> server should assign resources to connecting clients himself through
> resource binding (like the google talk server does)

But what if the client being used doesn't allow resource identifiers
to be changed?  I like being able to logoff the current existing
resource by logging in from a different location.  And the whole point
of the resource identifier was to be able to signify the location of
the resource (home, work, mobile) rather than be a random bunch of


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