[jdev] Re: XMPP Certification Opinion Poll

Nolan Eakins sneakin at semanticgap.com
Sat May 14 02:47:19 CDT 2005

Hash: SHA1

Celso Martinho wrote:
| What would you use for Avatars now ? JEP-0084 ? Won't scale. Why  didn't
| Apple went for this on iChat and decided to store the avatar  on the
| user's vcard-tmp ?

Because pubsub still is not widely deployed. At least with servers
running the jabberd series. I know I haven't bothered to jump through
the twisted hoops to get Ralph's implementation running nor has
DreamHost, my host. (I did make a suggestion ticket which any of their
customers can vote on.) So it's probably not only me who hasn't gone
that far yet. ejabberd is great on this part though.

And Apple has customers to please who don't care how they did so long as
they did. One of the Mozilla devs posted about this concerning Safari
and KHTML. You won't always get "the right thing", but the customers get
what they want and are kept happy.

| I guess the certification will cover and solve most of the problem

Certification would probably only solve the problem of "will my
client/app/server/lib/etc. work with..." and "will it do this...". We
still have to write the code which is the only way to solve all of our

Well, making suggestions on the mailing lists is another too.

- - Nolan
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