[jdev] Unable to connect to client

vimal kumar vimalma1093 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 04:00:07 CST 2005

Dear members,

I am facing the following problem with respect to the jabberd2 server:

I am able to use a client in the machine where my server is running
and connect to the server. That is, localhost connectivity is working

I had followed the guidelines in the documentation. I am not able to
connect from clients such as exodus or gaim from other systems. I
looked up the how-to's and common errors and worked with them all, but
in vain.

 I am able to ping to the hostname where the server is running. That
is, something like ping tsscc-195 from tsscc-yyy works perfectly fine,
with the output being displayed as pinging to host
Reply from...etc

I also checked up my entries in the /etc/hosts file. I have given it
here for reference.

# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain   TSSCC-195       localhost  TSSCC-195

Here is my resolv.conf
; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script
search localdomain

I have also attached the relevant xml files. Kindly help me out. 

With thanks and regards,
Vimal Kumar S
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