[jdev] Re: Re: Re: Parsing XMPP/Jabber protocol

Joe Hildebrand hildjj at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 17:27:44 CST 2005

Yes, I have the data.
No, it's not a problem.
No, you don't have to tie up a thread on the server.

Things that you do on the server side are massive overkill for the
client side, however.

Scalable XMPP servers exist.  You just have to use the right one.

On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 14:29:14 +0000, Bill de hÓra <bill at dehora.net> wrote:
> Trejkaz Xaoza wrote:
> > The notification would be unnecessary.  The actual problem is that if you have
> > to wait for the "eam>", you tie up a thread in your application which is
> > handling the wait().  So whereas it's perfectly fine for a client connected
> > to a single server, or even a component, a client which handled multiple
> > connections would need one thread open per connection.  A server... well,
> > that would be nuts.  1,000 connected clients and you already have 1,000
> > threads open, which is less than practical in most cases. :-)
> This is the scenario I was thinking of when I mentioned resources on the
> server in a previous post. Has anyone here actually run into this in
> practice?
> cheers
> Bill
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Joe Hildebrand

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