[jdev] Re: Re: Re: Parsing XMPP/Jabber protocol

Bill de hÓra bill at dehora.net
Tue Jan 4 08:29:14 CST 2005

Trejkaz Xaoza wrote:

> The notification would be unnecessary.  The actual problem is that if you have 
> to wait for the "eam>", you tie up a thread in your application which is 
> handling the wait().  So whereas it's perfectly fine for a client connected 
> to a single server, or even a component, a client which handled multiple 
> connections would need one thread open per connection.  A server... well, 
> that would be nuts.  1,000 connected clients and you already have 1,000 
> threads open, which is less than practical in most cases. :-)

This is the scenario I was thinking of when I mentioned resources on the 
server in a previous post. Has anyone here actually run into this in 


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