[jdev] Mil XMPP app to replace SOAP?

Jones Alasdair AJONES5 at mail.dstl.gov.uk
Thu Apr 14 05:27:02 CDT 2005

Could anyone give me some advice on whether XMPP would be a sensible option
to use as an inter-application communication method to replace SOAP?
The current implementation I intend to replace, centres on a single database
to which n clients can submit and retrieve XML data. The idea is that each
client will submit military situational awareness data for it's area of
coverage to the database. Each client can then retrieve all the data
submitted by all the other clients. The key is to ensure that each client
will be able to receive the same data, at the same time. The current
limitations of this system means that every client has to poll the database
for updates and there is no inherent security. I'm hoping that by using
XMPP, I could write a client that can use it's Pub Sub and security
features. But I don't know if there are any inherent limitations of this
approach, in particular, the data transmission must be guaranteed and very
fast (<1sec).
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Alasdair Jones
ajones5 at dstl.gov.uk <mailto:ajones5 at dstl.gov.uk> 
Office: +44 (02392) 217663
Lab:    +44 (02392) 217488
Fax:    +44 (02392) 217535


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