[jdev] Re: <ok> Re: Permanent data storage

Peter Saint-Andre stpeter at jabber.org
Tue Oct 26 10:45:38 CDT 2004

In article < at>,
 Ivan Blecic <ivan at iuav.it> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> Thank you for your answer.
> Yes, I did look at JEP-0049, but that's related to private storage, while 
> what I need is a permanent public storage. That, among other things means 
> that:
> 1. all users (allowed to do so) could query the same storage (or part of 
> it) and get the data
> 2. it is permanently stored (e.g. in a database)
> 3. has pubsub-like functioning (basically if someone updates or modify 
> something in the public storage, or a part of it, that change is 
> "broadcasted" to all on-line users
> Of course, I'm not such an expert, but as I see the JEP-0049 can't give me 
> all that, can it?
> Do you have any other idea or hint?

Well, there already exists a protocol for such things, developed by the 
IETF. It's called WebDAV:


We've also defined a way to do pubsub notifications related to WebDAV 



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