[jdev] Permanent data storage

Heiner Wolf wolf at bluehands.de
Fri Oct 22 13:55:24 CDT 2004


the way to go is probably pubsub. You can run a pubsub server and store
anything there permanently. You can also SUBscribe and get updates if
someone PUBlishes new versions of the data. I implemented a small
whiteboard in www.lluna.de. The graphics is transient. It is stored only
as sequence of messages in the conference component. But if I would make
them persistant then I would choose pubsub. You could also HTTP POST to
your HTTP server and provide storage there. The advantage of
Jabber-pubsub is built in update notifications. And of course it is the
Jabber way to store something permanently. 

Dr. Klaus H. Wolf
bluehands GmbH & Co.mmunication KG
+49 (0721) 16108 75
Jabber enabled Virtual Presence on the Web: http://www.lluna.de/
Open Source Future History: http://www.galactic-developments.com/

>-----Original Message-----
>From: jdev-bounces at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-bounces at jabber.org]On Behalf
>Of Ivan Blecic
>Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 5:54 PM
>To: jdev at jabber.org
>Cc: ckadara at nerim.net
>Subject: [jdev] Permanent data storage
>Hi all,
>I was looking for docs on this issue, but couldn't find 
>anything useful, so 
>here is my question.
>I would need something like a permanent data storage (possibly 
>a relational 
>database, let's say mysql).
>Here's the scenario:
>I would like to develop a client that, besides including the 
>standard IM 
>features, allow users to draw graphical schemes (if someone is 
>I could explain more on that, but for the purpose of my 
>question it could 
>be enough).
>So, basically, users would have something similar to a virtual 
>and would do the drawings in a collaborative way.
>Now the issue is that I would like to store the graphical scheme 
>permanently into a database, so when one logs in, he/she is 
>able to get the 
>current drawing.
>Another issue is to have real-time drawing update.
>So, as I see it, this is theoretically what should happen when an user 
>draws something (let's say a line):
>1. User draws on the drawing canvas of the client application
>2. The client sends to Jabber the XML description of that 
>graphical element
>3. Jabber stores that into a database
>4. Jabber broadcasts the update to other connected clients.
>5. Other clients update their drawings.
>So, fundamentally, my questions is: does anyone have any 
>suggestions on 
>features, already available components, examples, experiences 
>useful in my 
>case? Will I have to develop a new Jabber-to-database component?
>Any hint?
>That you in advance.
>Best regards,
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org

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