[jdev] XMPP RFC numbers; marketing effort?

Richard Dobson richard at dobson-i.net
Mon Oct 4 08:36:30 CDT 2004

> Justin Karneges wrote:
>> In any case, I don't think the JSF has any trouble getting press, we just 
>> rarely seek it.  If PSA writes a press release, it will be everywhere we 
>> want it to be.
> Hmm, I beg to differ. I don't see that much press info showing up on 
> 'normal' newssites (even sites that specialize on technical stuff). When 
> was the last time that we had coverage on a site like slashdot or in your 
> average computer magazine?

I have mentioned this in the past but Jabber has been mentioned in average 
computer magazines (one in particular springs to mind PC Plus Dec 2003), and 
they obviously did the research about what Jabber is and did not make the 
classic mistake of confusing Jabber Inc and JSF/Jabber, infact they didnt 
even mention Jabber Inc, they knew exactly what jabber is and explained it 
quite simply so the average reader of the magazine will understand what it 
is all about, just because a lot of the online journalists that talk about 
jabber dont do any research and confuse stuff doesnt mean they are all like 


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