[jdev] XMPP RFC numbers; marketing effort?

Justin Karneges justin-keyword-jabber.093179 at affinix.com
Mon Oct 4 05:26:13 CDT 2004

On Monday 04 October 2004 02:56 am, Bart van Bragt wrote:
> Justin Karneges wrote:
> > In any case, I don't think the JSF has any trouble getting press, we just
> > rarely seek it.  If PSA writes a press release, it will be everywhere we
> > want it to be.
> Hmm, I beg to differ. I don't see that much press info showing up on
> 'normal' newssites (even sites that specialize on technical stuff). When
> was the last time that we had coverage on a site like slashdot or in
> your average computer magazine?

As I said, we don't seek it.  Slashdot is actually very easy for us to get 
onto.  Like Mozilla, PGP, Linux, KDE, etc, "Jabber" submissions are a 
shoe-in.  For more mainstream tech websites, like ZDNet, this is not so easy, 
but considering we've been getting decent press for every other phase in the 
IETF process, I'm sure we can expect coverage on all the major tech/computer 
outlets, particularly if it is pitched well.  If anyone is going to care 
about a network protocol, IM is it.

> accross and also to make clear to the press what the difference between
> Jinc, JSF and Jabber is :D


This might also be a good opportunity to mention non-Jinc software (honorable 
mention at least for Psi, Exodus, and jabberd, which power most of our 
community), and the fact that popular multi-IM clients are including Jabber 
support (to clear up the "jabber == multi-IM" misconception).  Also, I think 
we should not mention transports.


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