[jdev] writting new component to Jabberd2

Remy HAREL remy.harel at GICM.FR
Tue Jun 22 07:59:11 CDT 2004

I'm currently working to add component to Jabberd 2 server. But the main 
help I've found was this list, especially Matthias Wimmer. It's not an 
easy task to add others components but you will need to read and 
understand the jabberd2's main components to understand how does it work.

 What king of component are you trying to add plz ?


Sheetal D Hiroji wrote:

>    I am trying to write a new component to the jabberd system which will do
>some customized functionality. I will be using  the jabberd2 server's
>opensource code. I have knowledge about the Jabber architecture and
>functionality. Can some of you here help me on following queries:
>1) Are there any sample programs available to understand the structure or
>model of a new component to be added into Jabber system?
>2) Where can I get the useful documentation regarding the component-server
>handsheks? connection methods (like 'accpet' etc)? configuration files?
>Any useful information from new component development point of view would be
>greatly useful.
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Remy Harel - remy.harel at gicm.fr
G.I.C.M - Distributed Systems & IT
Linux Registered User #224740

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