[jdev] JabberApplet - Dead or Alive?

maqi at jabberstudio.org maqi at jabberstudio.org
Wed Jun 2 18:24:49 CDT 2004

On Wed, 2 Jun 2004, Alto George wrote:

> Ok, now I understand - it is dead............

It depends. The JabberApplet just works. So it's kind of "finished".

> The error I'm getting is from the Java Console as
> follows:

> SENT: <?xml version="1.0" ?><stream:stream
> to="" xmlns="jabber:client"
> xmlns:stream="http://etherx.jabber.org/streams">
> service requested for unknown domain

You connect to but the Jabber server on this IP isn't
configured to listen on the hostname "". This has nothing to
do with a problem of the JabberApplet (it just does not parse the
XMPP-style error message).

BTW this question has already been answered, see the archives.


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