[jdev] porting wcs to jabberd2

Matthias Wimmer m at tthias.net
Wed Jul 14 04:52:09 CDT 2004

Hi Stefan!

Stefan Strigler schrieb am 2004-07-14 11:24:38:
> With jabberd14 this worked. Now does anybody know what I have to do to
> authenticate with jabberd2? There needs to be some way how I can address
> the c2s component. Sending a packet like above seems to end up at the sm
> component which doesn't know what to do with it.

The "domain" of the Jabber server is the address of the session manager
... in both jabberd14 and in jabberd2 - therefore it is correct, that
your packets are routed to the session manager.

In jabberd14 your routed packet was okay ... in jabberd14 its the task
of the session manager to authenticate users. In jabberd2 this has
changed completely: the session manager does not authenticate users
anymore, but the client connection manager is responsible for
authenticating users and will only send a notification to the session
manager, that a session has started (if the user starts a session).

This authentication service of c2s is not "remotely" useable on the
jabberd2 router. If you want to port wcs to jabberd2 you probably have
to implement authentication yourself.

Tot kijk

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