[jdev] porting wcs to jabberd2

Stefan Strigler steve at zeank.in-berlin.de
Wed Jul 14 04:24:38 CDT 2004

Hi there,

currently I'm trying to port wcs
(http://webclientservice.jabberstudio.org) to jabberd2. The problem with
this seems to be how to authenticate new sessions. WCS currently sends a
packet like this one:

<route to='borst at jabber.zeank.in-berlin.de/web'
from='ca025b82df7a5afd908daa2b35a6f15692d7836e at wcs' type='auth'><iq
type='set' to='borst at jabber.zeank.in-berlin.de/web'><query

With jabberd14 this worked. Now does anybody know what I have to do to
authenticate with jabberd2? There needs to be some way how I can address
the c2s component. Sending a packet like above seems to end up at the sm
component which doesn't know what to do with it.

Any help would be very appreciated,


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