[JDEV] Account information storage, plaintext?

Robert Norris rob at cataclysm.cx
Tue Sep 16 18:24:59 CDT 2003

> In the past this has been difficult as the default user store has not
> been a database, and the open-source jabber server has done very
> optimistic caching. With jabberd2, it should be possible to just add
> users to the database via other applications.

It is. jabberd2 doesn't cache auth information at all, and only holds
user data in memory when they have active sessions. As soon as their
last session logs out, their data is released, and gets read from the
database next time.


Robert Norris                                       GPG: 1024D/FC18E6C2
Email+Jabber: rob at cataclysm.cx                Web: http://cataclysm.cx/
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