[JDEV] scriptable command line clients

Mikael Hallendal micke at codefactory.se
Sun Mar 23 07:16:42 CST 2003

sön 2003-03-23 klockan 04.47 skrev Justin Georgeson:
> Are there any scriptable command line jabber clients? Something where I
> can specify a sequence of messages to send and what to expect in
> response to each. (I want to put in a cron job to connect as a client
> and verify certain services are up)


I hacked up a little example for Loudmouth (a client library) a while
back. It does the sending for you but you'll have to hack it to retrieve


If you look at the lm-send.c example:
it does the sending, taking some code from lm-blog.c shoudl give you
what you want.

You probably want to use lm_connection_send_with_reply () and in the
callback to that check that the replied message was what you expected.

Let me know if you want help.

  Mikael Hallendal
Mikael Hallendal                micke at codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB                  http://www.codefactory.se/
                                Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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