[JDEV] Disconnected clients and MUC
David Waite
mass at akuma.org
Wed Mar 19 17:01:07 CST 2003
chelck at ebs.com wrote:
>Can someone explain what happens when a client violently disconnects from a
>Jabber server? My understanding is that the server senses the broken
>connection and sends a <presence type="unavialable"/> on behalf of the client
>to all interested parties. My question is how does the server know which
>parties are interested? In particular how is the user removed from a group
>chat room?
>We've been looking at the case where we need to remove a user as a member
>from a members-only room when the user disconnects. The user may or may not
>have joined the room at the time of the disconnect.
The server implementation monitors presence sent out for a user session,
and will send out unavailable presence when that session ends to all of
these targets (whether it is via a socket error or an actual stream
closure). Since you join and leave rooms via presence, a user
automatically leaves in this case.
>Thank you,
>Christopher Helck
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(Off-topic) These boilerplates always irritate me.
-David Waite
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