[JDEV] Compiling Jabberd on Macos X

Timothy Carpenter timbeau_hk at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Mar 10 06:23:59 CST 2003


If you only require to run Jabberd 1.4.2, I have made a drag and drop
jabberd 1.4.2 for OSX that needs no compilation or additions to BSD and is
self-contained. It comes with a GUI and has an XML configuration file
manager so you can drag in your XML filenames for it to use and switch
between to easily adjust the configuration.

Let me know if you would like to try it out to get moving (1.8MB app). I
will try and dig out what I had to do to get Jabberd compiling - it took a
few stages and a number of GNU downloads (sockets!!!!) and, like childbirth,
the brain automatically forgets painful events :-)


On 10/03/2003 11:27 am, "sonic Beez" <sonicbeez at hotmail.com> wrote:

> I'm trying to compile Jabberd 1.4.2 on Macos 10.2.4 but so far no success.
> So far I'm having problems with pth. In the updates file it says:
> To compile the included pth, first run the command 'cp /usr/libexec/config.*
> jabberd/pth-1.4.0/' before running ./configure.
> But I have no files that match /usr/libexec/config.*
> running ./configure just gives me errors about pthreads command not being
> found.
> Any help on this would be appreciated.
> Sonicbeez
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