[JDEV] Small app in C

Mikael Hallendal micke at codefactory.se
Wed Mar 5 12:58:31 CST 2003

ons 2003-03-05 klockan 15.07 skrev Trent Melcher:
> Mikael
> Thanks, looks good.  An example would be great,  as per my original post all
> I need it to connect to the server shoot out a message to a specific user
> and disconnect.  REally basic stuff probably, just havent dug into the guts
> of building building the code to do it yet.


I hacked up a little snippet that you compile with:

gcc -o jabber-send `pkg-config --cflags --libs loudmouth-1.0`

You need loudmouth from CVS.


Later when I add support for blocking calls this will be even simpler
since you don't need the callbacks.

You run it with:
jabber-send -s <server> -u <username> -p <password> -m <message> -t
<recipient> [--port <port>] [-r <resource>]

Hope it helps.

  Mikael Hallendal
Mikael Hallendal                micke at codefactory.se
CodeFactory AB                  http://www.codefactory.se/
                                Cell: +46 (0)709 718 918

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