[JDEV] Poll about who will use Jabber when Trillian comes out

Shane Knysh shane.knysh at yoner.com
Wed Jun 11 14:05:05 CDT 2003


I have to agree, the jabber.org site is not for a new user. I have a couple of frineds
that are willing to try jabber, and I sent them to jabber.org. One is a fairly computer
literate, the other is just an average user.

Their responses:
"Do I have to download a server first? I don't think I want to run a server on my machine."
"Where do I download the IM from?"

I think we need to make the following changes to assist in making jabber an easier
selection for the average user:
1. We need to get the clients more to the front of things, and need to have an easier
mechanism for the average user to get the client download and install. Perhaps a new star
on the client list representing 'new to jabber friendly'. 

2. The jabber user guide should have a "migration from" section for the major IM clients.

3. The server list need to have more info in the chart and less in the tool tip. its all
well and good to have the star indicating special services, it would be better to have the
services listed on the page. The link for the server name should either be removed or link
somewhere other than the public server list. Maybe a serach interface where you can select
the services you want and then have the servers that support all your requests displayed.
Development servers should be listed on a seperate list.

I have been trying to get people to migrate to jabber for over a year and I have to say
the migration process is not hard, the selling process is a killer. 

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 12:18:44 -0500, jdev-request wrote
> --__--__--
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 09:55:35 +0200
> From: Bart van Bragt <jabber at vanbragt.com>
> To: jdev at jabber.org
> Subject: Re: [JDEV] Poll about who will use Jabber when Trillian comes out
> Reply-To: jdev at jabber.org
> > as Trillian Pro will support Jabber through a plugin, I was wondering 
> > who is already using Jabber and who will use it. So I started a little 
> > poll on the Trillian forum, might be of interest:
> > http://www.ceruleanstudios.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=38517 
> I would like to reitterate the question I asked on the marketing-jig 
> list a week ago: Do we think the current jabber.org site is sufficient 
> for the sudden increase in complete noobs :D
> IMO: No. The jabber site contains too much technobabble, information to 
> get started is too dispersed or you need to read way too much. IMO 
> people just want to get started as fast as possible and they'll come 
> back if they want extra info... My proposal: A quickstart guide for 
> endusers that uses a few lines to tell how great Jabber really is and 
> then it gives the user a few steps they'll have to take to get started.
> But I could be wrong I guess. Maybe the current site is already OK and 
> am I just underestimating the average Joe...
> -- 
> Bart van Bragt

shane.knysh at YonerDotCom
"I think we can all agree on one thing: 'The Moos of Derision' would be
a good name for a rock band."-Dave Barry

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