[JDEV] jabberd 1.4.2 chokes on its own log file

Ralph Siemsen ralphs at blueairnetworks.com
Thu Jul 31 11:29:34 CDT 2003

Jamin W. Collins wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 12:13:09AM -0500, Sydney Weidman wrote:
>>/var/log/jabberd/error.log filesize: 2147483647 bytes.
>>Jabberd filled this file up with a billion lines like this:
>>[warn] (mio_ssl.c:225): SSL accept without an IP

This is a misconfiguration - your SSL certificate is either missing, 
malformed, or unreadable by the user your jabberd is running as.

In the "c2s" section of jabber.xml you should have something like so:
	<ssl port="5223"></ssl>

And in the <io> section of jabber.xml you should have:
	<key ip=''>/usr/share/ssl/certs/jabberd.pem</key>

To generate that key go to the directory and type "make jabberd.pem",
or folllow the process outlined in the Jabber Admin manual.

> You might want to take a look into _logrotate_.  I added a script to it
> for the Debian Jabber package a while ago:
>    /var/log/jabber/*.log {
>       rotate 5
>       size=100k
>       copytruncate
>       delaycompress
>       compress
>    }

Yes, that's a good idea as well, but won't help this paricular problem, 
as the server will sit in a nice loop spewing the SSL accept error 
message upon the first attempt to connect to port 5223.


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