[JDEV] CLI clients

Mike Prince mike at mikeprince.com
Fri Jul 25 19:39:01 CDT 2003

Try this on for size: use a Java applet.  I know it'd be easy to modify
a java library to provide a debug/trace window and a command line

Downside is requiring a webserver to dole out the HTML and libraries.
Upside is it should run from most browsers.

On that note, what are the minimal and then somewhat useful command


Minimal = 
	open username password host [port]
	send <xml...

Useful = Minimal +
	send <filename> (send contents of a file as xml)
	chat jid  (opens up a chat window)
	roster (shows the current roster)
	roster add jid name [group]
	roster del jid
	presence [<type>] [show <description>]
	subscribe jid
	subscribed jid
	unsubscribe jid
	unsubscribed jid
	probe jid
	log <rootnode> on | off

Along the same lines, the BeanShell (www.beanshell.org) provides a
command line interface.  Leverage one of the Java APIs and then you're
good to go :)  When I gear up for another release of my Yaja! Libraries
the beanshell will be the encouraged way to do testing.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: jdev-admin at jabber.org [mailto:jdev-admin at jabber.org] On 
> Behalf Of Peter Saint-Andre
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 3:15 PM
> To: jdev at jabber.org
> Subject: [JDEV] CLI clients
> It's been a while since I've used any of the console clients 
> out there. Does anyone have a recommendation or now of a 
> project that is actively building a really slick CLI client?
> Thanks!
> Peter
> -- 
> Peter Saint-Andre
> Jabber Software Foundation http://www.jabber.org/people/stpeter.php
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