[JDEV] Multiple domains in jabberd

Hernux hernuz at etherac.com.ar
Sun Jul 20 08:55:14 CDT 2003

OK, thanx
I'll try it

----- Original Message -----
From: "Matthias Wimmer" <m at tthias.net>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 20, 2003 3:53 AM
Subject: Re: [JDEV] Multiple domains in jabberd

Hi Hernux!

hernux schrieb am 2003-07-20 00:15:00:
> Does anybody know if it is posible to avoid users of one domain to contact
users of other domain?

Jabberd is not really made to support this. Bet way to implement this
would be to install multible separate servers (that don't have s2s and
dnsrv included/configured).

If you have to run it in one jabberd (because there is only one IP
available) you can realize this by running the session manager in its
own process. In each process that runs a session manager you then have
to stop the jabberd that runs this session manager to route all packets
to the core jabberd by removing the <uplink/> tag and replacing it with
a host tag for all domains clients on this session manager should be
able to contact.
Because you removed the <uplink/> tag you lost routings for xdb and log
too. Therefore you have to define xdb and log components in this process
as well.

Tot kijk

Fon: +49-(0)70 0770 07770        http://matthias.wimmer.name/
Fax: +49-(0)89 312 88 654        jabber://mawis@charente.de

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