[JDEV] New jabber python library

Nicholas Perez nick at jabberstudio.org
Wed Dec 10 19:32:14 CST 2003

I would start a new project just because of the differences you mention. 
It's not like its a new release of the old code. It's a completely 
different code base (from what you told us), except some similarity. If 
it isn't intended to be backwards compatible, I would simple list it as 
a new project.

Alexey Nezhdanov wrote:

> Hello.
> I'm currently working on library that will provide functions similar 
> to jabberpy library but will be primarily oriented to work with jabberd2.
> Since I am now already have some code to publish there are library 
> name issue. I call my code (for myself) "jabberpy2" since it was 
> started as replacement for jabberpy but for now I do not know if such 
> name will be proper for this case.
> In fact I am currently maintainer of original jabberpy library written 
> by Mattew Allum.
> The question is: is it will be proper and permittable to open new 
> package inside current jabberpy project and publish this work along 
> with original jabbery or is it better to start new project and to name 
> it completely differently?
> Any ideas?
> -- 
> Respectively
> Alexey Nezhdanov
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