[JDEV] Adding Transport registration in xdb_sql

Benoit Decaudin benoit.decaudin at terravirtual.net
Mon Sep 16 06:43:03 CDT 2002

Hi there. I'm trying to add the registration settings of a transport to the
xdb_sql database.

I have an instance of jabberd running as the MSN Transport with its own
xdb_sql instance, and I've done the following :

- Added three querydefs to the xdb_sql configuration file, named 'msn-get',
'msn-set' and 'msn-remove' ;
- Added three new validator functions in xdb_sql_config.c for these
querydefs ;
- Added related functions in a file xdb_sql_msn.c and appropriate headers in

Xdb_sql compiles fine, however I always have this error when starting the
server :
[alert] (-internal): [xdbsql_config_init] query 'msn-remove' validate failed
[alert] (-internal): [xdb_sql] configuration failed

(This error also appears with queries 'msn-set' and 'msn-get')

Thanks for any idea.


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