[JDEV] Heartbeat patch for dialup and laptop users and faulty presence info

Nathan Sharp spamnps+jabber at phoenix-int.com
Wed May 29 11:09:23 CDT 2002

Actually, the solution I'm thinking of would not have this problem.  All 
you care about is that the connection is up.  The ping/pong stuff is 
just there to prove the connection when other data isn't happening.  So 
if you've received packets from the other side, you forego the ping/pong 
stuff (saving bandwidth and preventing the disconnect problem w/ slow 

Thanks for the point, though, as this is an important caveat to think 
about for this feature.

David Waite wrote:

> Right; with an application level ping/pong you disconnect under load 
> even if the other side is actively accepting data.
> -David Waite

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