[JDEV] Heartbeat patch for dialup and laptop users and faulty presence info

isomer at coders.net isomer at coders.net
Wed May 29 01:16:52 CDT 2002

> IRC's use of ping/pong has been used many times in the past in peer DoS 
> attacks - however that is neither here nor there.

Attacking users on IRC is using CTCP PING which is different.  CTCP's
are a client to client protocol and as such aren't really part of the
IRC core protocol and IRC servers (usually[1]) don't realise they even exist.
The IRC Server uses a different protocol for it's keep alive and for
some servers, no spoof pings.

Perhaps having the server optionally enable turn on TCP Keepalives with
setsockopt(... SO_KEEPALIVE ...) would be a better all round solution.  

[1]: Some IRC servers filter them, process them or do other strange
things.  None of the "Big 5" do.


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