[JDEV] Conference Rooms and "Away" Status

Simon Guindon simon_g at sympatico.ca
Mon May 27 13:49:50 CDT 2002


Are you talking about when you set your status to away on the jabber server,
it doesn't reflect on their groupchat rooms?  Jabber server and conference
server presence are seperate, for example, I can be DND on my regular
presence, but be available in a conference room.  Maybe I don't want to be
disturbed because I'm in a conference meeting of some sort.

I believe some clients when you set yourself as away on the normal presence,
it sets the presence of all the groupchats you may be in.  I think its
client specific.

Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Seymour" <jseymour at LinxNet.com>
To: <jdev at jabber.org>
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 1:05 PM
Subject: [JDEV] Conference Rooms and "Away" Status

> Hi All,
> Something would appear to be amiss in jabberd 1.4.2.  When somebody
> sets their "away" status, it doesn't appear to be reflected in their
> conference room presence.  I ran 1.4.2-test2 for a test, and it still
> worked correctly on that one.
> Also, I'm a bit confused about something.  The latest conference code
> would *appear* to be 0.4, the tarball for which is dated May 27.  Yet
> I already have on-hand 0.4.1, the tarball for which is dated Jan. 17.
> How is it a lower-numbered revision has a later date?
> Regards,
> Jim
> --
> Jim Seymour                  | PGP Public Key available at:
> jseymour at LinxNet.com         |
> http://jimsun.LinxNet.com    |
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