[JDEV] MSN vs Jabber

Sami Haahtinen ressu at ressukka.net
Sat May 18 15:10:26 CDT 2002

On Sat, May 18, 2002 at 09:10:31PM +0200, Mattias Campe wrote:
> >MSN, AIM, ICQ, and Yahoo have all taken active steps to prevent third 
> >parties without formal business relationships from iterfacing with their 
> >networks, under _any_ protocol.
> AIM/ICQ block a lot of jabber-servers (e.g. jabber.org, jabber.com) 
> because they see that a mass of communication come from one IP. Still 
> the msn gateway seems to run queit good. Why don't microsoft block the 
> jabber-servers too, should it only be because they are afraid of having 
> to go to court (again) or could there be some other reason?

currently i'm aware of 3 AOL-blocks, jabber.org, jabber.com and

There is nothing stopping Microsoft from blocking jabber, although that
would Microsoft look bad, after all they tried submitting the specs to
IETF, so that is pretty much the same as saying: 'Hey, this is how it's
done.. go ahead and do your best'

> >Jabber is decentralized, while MSN uses a central server (your 'address' 
> >on the MSN server resembles an email address, but all accounts are 
> >handled by their server farm). Jabber is open - you can write your own 
> >server and clients, as well as use and contribute to several open-source 
> >servers and clients already available.
> Could it be that is doesn't have to be a Microsoft server, because I've 
> seen some MSN users with an MSN account like name at skynet.be? Would it be 
> possible to run an MSN-server at a company, just for the internal 
> communication (suppose external communication is not allowed because of 
> the security)? And if its possible would the company have to pay, even 
> if they would install it all by themselves (knowing Microsoft, I'd 
> probably say "yes").

companies can use Exchange to do the same thing (if i understood
correctly the Microsoft idea they are trying to use MSN to send events
to other computers) so they cannot setup their own server.

the addresses that can be seen on MSN are external addresses, it doesn't
mean that they are on different servers but it means that their passport
account has been created without having an MSN or Hotmail account.


			  -< Sami Haahtinen >-
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