[JDEV] type='error' in presence

Jim Seymour jseymour at LinxNet.com
Fri May 10 09:03:15 CDT 2002


Recently a Gaim user complained that he had buddies (a buddy) showing
up as on-line who was in fact *not* on-line.  It appears the relevant
xml looked like this (long line split):

    <presence from='buddy at jabber.myjabber.org'
	    to='user at jabber.ais.cx/GAIM' type='error'>
	<error code='502'>Server Connect Failed</error>

I'm guessing that jabber.ais.cx was unable to contact
jabber.myjabber.org for some reason.

I assume that in such a case I should treat the error pretty much as I
would a type='unavailable' (other than possibly reporting the error, as

Jim Seymour                  | PGP Public Key available at:
jseymour at LinxNet.com         | http://www.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/pks-commands.html
http://jimsun.LinxNet.com    |

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