[JDEV] Jabber Client Guidelines

Adam Theo theo at theoretic.com
Thu May 2 10:11:37 CDT 2002

Hello, all.

I've just cleaned up my Jabber Client Guidelines page 
[http://www.theoretic.com?Jabber_Client_Guidelines]. They are my attempt 
to build a list of tips and tricks for client developers. Issues they 
should take into account when designing and testing their product. It 
will cover mostly usability issues such as accessability for the 
impaired, end user candy features, and tactics for building for 
enterprise and corporate environments. But it will also tackle some 
developer-specific issues such as modularity and efficiency.

I've re-organized the sections on Emoticons 
[http://www.theoretic.com?Emoticons] and Genicons 
[http://www.theoretic.com?Genicons], turning them into seperate projects 
that are simply referred to from the Guidelines.

I'm also going to expand on the Hot Key Autoresponses and Accessability 
ideas more. If you have any ideas of your own, please put them there.

Yes, you (anyone) can edit the pages of my website. It's a Wiki, meaning 
it is publically editable. To do so, simply go to the page and follow 
the "Edit this Page" link near the top. You can also find the 
"Formatting Rules" there, too. Don't worry about doing something I won't 
like. Go ahead and make the changes. If it makes you feel any better, I 
can simply reverse any changes I don't like. Be bold in editing!

Thanks, all  :)

     /\  Adam Theo, Age 22, Tallahassee FL USA
    //\\   Email & Jabber: theo at theoretic.com
   //  \\  (Boycotting AOL, therefore no AIM or ICQ)
=//====\\=  Theoretic Solutions: http://www.theoretic.com
//  ||  \\     "Bringing Ideas Together"
     ||      Jabber Protocol: http://www.jabber.org
     ||         "The Coolest IM on the Planet"
     ||  "A Free-Market Socialist Patriotic American
     ||      Buddhist Political Philosopher."

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