[JDEV] jpolld with jabberd 1.4.2

David Waite mass at akuma.org
Tue Jun 25 17:20:36 CDT 2002

It looks like the client is connecting to "slave0.unknown.com", which is 
not the hostname that jsm is configured to serve.

-David Waite

Jack Valko wrote:

>I'm attempting to setup jpolld and jabberd on separate boxes and am running
>into a configuration or name resolution issue.
>From jabber.xml:
>  <!--
>  jpolld service
>  -->
>  <service id="c2s">
>     <accept>
>        <ip>{jabberd server IP}</ip>
>        <port>5225</port>
>        <secret>test</secret>
>     </accept>
>  </service>
>I have commented out the stock c2s service.
>jabberd starts as expected.  I run jpolld as:
>./jpolld -h {jabberd server IP} -d 5225 -n c2s -s test
>jpolld connects to jabberd with no difficulty.  When I attempt to auth thru
>the jpolld process, it fails.  jabberd logs the following debug output:
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  mio.c:760 MIO read from socket 14: <route
>type='auth' from='2 at c2s/134717632' to='jack at slave0.unknown.com'><iq
>type='get' id='JCOM_11'><query
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  base_accept.c:120 process XML: m:814A280 state:3,
>arg:80D42C0, x:819C000
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:474 DELIVER 4:slave0.unknown.com <route
>type='auth' from='2 at c2s/134717632' to='jack at slave0.unknown.com'><iq
>type='get' id='JCOM_11'><query
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:678 delivering to instance 'dnsrv'
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:606 delivery failed (Internal Delivery
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  log.c:116 <log type='notice'
>from='slave0.unknown.com'>bouncing a routed packet to
>jack at slave0.unknown.com from 2 at c2s/134717632: Internal Delivery Error</log>
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:474 DELIVER 3:slave0.unknown.com <log
>type='notice' from='slave0.unknown.com'>bouncing a routed packet to
>jack at slave0.unknown.com from 2 at c2s/134717632: Internal Delivery Error</log>
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:678 delivering to instance 'elogger'
>20020625T22:11:36: [notice] (slave0.unknown.com): bouncing a routed packet
>to jack at slave0.unknown.com from 2 at c2s/134717632: Internal Delivery Error
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:474 DELIVER 4:c2s <route type='error'
>from='jack at slave0.unknown.com' to='2 at c2s/134717632' error='Internal Delivery
>Error'><iq type='get' id='JCOM_11'><query
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  deliver.c:678 delivering to instance 'c2s'
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  mio.c:1054 mio_write called on x: 819C000 buffer:
>Tue Jun 25 15:11:36 2002  mio.c:279 write_dump writing data: <route
>type='error' from='jack at slave0.unknown.com' to='2 at c2s/134717632'
>error='Internal Delivery Error'><iq type='get' id='JCOM_11'><query
>It appears that things go awry when deliver_instance hand the xml off the
>dnsrv.  Is this a name resolution issue??  How do I fix this?
>jdev mailing list
>jdev at jabber.org

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