[JDEV] Instructions unclear on Jud

Mark Jones mark0978 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 7 21:32:34 CST 2002

I read the instructions for setting up JUD and was
confused.  Not being a complete idiot I figured it
out, but my last system Admin never did, so I thought
I would post the clarification to the list in the
hopes that other people would be able to use the
additional information.

In the docs it points out to replace localhost with
the name of your jabber server, this is and is not
exactly true.  

The way both of us read jud.localhost in the text was
the we should replace that with the fully qualified
domain name of the server jabber.mycorp.com.

Instead we should have used the text

If you just use jabber.mycorp.com, you end up with a
jabber server that can't route messages (don't quite
understand why, but it can't)

Anyway, a better example would have been nice.

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